The Convenants
Referenced from: The Convenants, Kevin Conner
                            God's Convenant, M. Hickey
1.   What is a Convenant?
In Bible times the word "convenant" involved promise, commitment, faithfulness and loyalty even unto death.  A convenant was sacred and was not lightly entered into by the parties involved.  In Bible times a person was only as good as their convenant word.True believers are in convenant relationship with God through Christ and the New Convenant. They are also in convenant relationship with each other.
       A.  English
            In English the word "convenant" signifies a mutual understanding between two or more
            parties, each binding himself to fulfill specific obligations; a legal contract; a binding
            agreement; a written agreement. It also refers to a solemn agreement to do or not to
            do a certain thing.
       B.  Old Testament Hebrew
             Strong's concordance defines the Hebrew word Berivth as "a compact (made
              by passing between pieces of flesh)" which implies the thought of cutting a convenant
              (Gen. 15:17; Jer. 34:18).
        C.  New Testament Greek
              In the New Testament there are two Greek words for convenant. Diatheke means "a
              disposition, arrangement, testament or will".  The other Greek word, Suntithemai        
              means "to put together, place together, to make arrangement.  It refers to the arrange-
              ment between two men.
             In every case in scripture when a convenant was instituted between God and man.    
            God is seen as the initiator. A convenant in this context, is a contract between God  
            and  man drawn up by God and presented to man. Man can either accept it or reject
            it but he cannot change it.
II          Why Make a Convenant?
III         What Constitues a Convenant?
              A.  The Words or Promises
              B.  The Blood of the Convenant
              C.  The Seal of the Convenant
                     Sign or Token of the Convenant
IV.         What is the Duration of a Convenant
               A.  Everlasting
               B.  Temporal
               C.  Irrevocable
               D.  Revocable

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