Thursday, January 23, 2025
SOW Worldwide Ministries is in focus, a family church, in purpose, a full-gospel nondenominational, charismatic teaching and training center, and in mission, we are a world outreach. SOW is a center of collective ministries, activities and events bringing the power of our Lord Jesus Christ to the world by principle, precept and example. The vision God has given S.O.W. is to be a lighthouse of good news of our Lord Jesus Christ as we seek to "take our cities for God" through local ministries and worldwide ministries and media outreaches. Our endeavor is to evangelize, disciple, and establish men, women and youth in solid biblical teaching of the uncompromised Word of God providing them with health, prosperity, and stability in every dimension of spirit, soul, and body. Our continuing desire is to foster wholesome and satisfying relationships both within our local body and the world, as we bring people to salvation in Jesus Christ as a result of our corporate or individual witness to a non-Christian world as we grow in fellowship with God and carry out the Great Commission in Mark 16. In brief S.O.W is: Dynamic teaching of the Word
Spirit filled praise and worship
Ministries to the family Ministries to the community Evangelism and Prayer Apostolic, Prophetic,Teaching, Evangelistic Team Ministries Multicultural Ministry Bible Training Center Media
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All music on this site - Laura's Midi Heaven -public domain